Andrea Luehmann, Ltd. is a boutique style tax, accounting, and auditing firm that has provided professional services to American subsidiaries of German medium-sized companies for over 30 years. Andrea Luehmann, Ltd. has represented the majority of its clients from their onset in the U.S.
Andrea Luehmann, Ltd. consists of highly-skilled, motivated professionals from both Germany and the U.S., many with several years of international experience. To ensure comprehensive service we work closely with German speaking attorneys who also offer U.S. legal advice.
Our mission is to provide consistent and high-quality service based on a strong and knowledgeable relationship with our clients.

Find us
Andrea Luehmann, Ltd.
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2550
Chicago, Illinois 60601
+1 312-669-1120
Our Services
Tax Compliance
Tax Compliance for various business types, individuals, and expatriates
Multi-State Sales and Use Tax Consulting
Tax Consulting related to Estate and Gift Taxes
Consulting as part of the Offshore Voluntary Disclosure Initiative (OVDI)
Offshore Disclosures related to the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)
Transfer Pricing Studies
Representation before tax authorities
Accounting Service
Bookkeeping and payroll services
Coordination of Employee Benefits
Periodic On-Site Management and Mentoring of Accounting Staff
Preparation of Operating Budgets
Cost accounting and Controlling assistance
Support with cash management
Selection of legal type and founding of entity
Supporting in selection of locations and financing
Assessment Accounting and Management- Information systems
Due Diligence services
Support in valuation of business
Risk- and Compliance Management including internal revision
Liquidation plans and profitability analysis
Annual audits of financial statements (US GAAP, HGB, IFRS)
Audits of subsidiaries in connection with group reporting
Review of interoffice reporting packages
Financial Statements compilation assistance
Performance of agreed-upon procedures
US GAAP conversions

Our Team
Our firm has a skilled workforce of highly motivated employees in the areas of taxation, accounting, and auditing. The majority of our experts have work experience on both continents and are accredited U.S. Steuerberater, CPAs, and Wirtschaftsprüfer (Auditors). Our teams’ cultural background and bilingual skills are key elements to our success.
Thomas Richter, Managing Partner
Mr. Richter is a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the U.S. as well as accredited Wirtschaftsprüfer (WP) in Germany. He has a degree in German Business Administration, derived in part through a 1-year exchange program at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Prior to joining Andrea Luehmann, Ltd., Mr. Richter worked for Arthur Andersen, LLP and Ernst & Young, LLP in both the U.S. and Germany for over 15 years where he provided auditing and advisory services to medium-sized companies. He is specialized in U.S. GAAP and German GAAP reporting (HGB).
With Mr. Richter’s takeover of the firm in the summer of 2016, the long-term future and continued development of Andrea Luehmann, Ltd. as an independent management-owned organization is ensured.

Thomas B. Richter
We are proud to say that our employee turnover is very low. We continually strive to maintain a healthy mix of qualified individuals - from experts with years of experience to recent college graduates.
Within this model, we are always interested in adding additional skilled employees to our firm. We deliberately provide an alternative work place to larger public accounting firms. In addition to flex-time models, we offer interdisciplinary on the job training through various areas of tax, accounting, and auditing practices.
We believe it is critical that our employees have enough time to focus on their clients without feeling rushed. Our employees also deserve sufficient free time to spend with their families and friends. We are convinced that this creates the highest potential of our staff and meets the needs for a modern and harmonious personal life at the same time.
Please submit your resume or contact us if you would like to find out more.
Contact Us
Andrea Luehmann, Ltd.
203 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2550
Chicago, Illinois 60601
Phone: +1 312-669-1120
Fax: +1 312-669-1169